I define a vision as “a dream with precise architecture”—one that is capable of inspiring others to join the quest of bringing the dream to reality. Leaders with a sound sense of tactics are plentiful; those who are able to project a vision for the long-term are uncommon, and therefore much more valuable. Such leaders don’t just create opportunities—they leave behind institutions and a thriving corporate culture that brings out the best in individuals and teams.
There is an element of benevolence in a vision that separates it from a “grand scheme.” True visionaries consider all their constituencies as full-fledged stakeholders in their vision. A vision is not elitist, but rather built on inclusiveness. It embraces and empowers those around us in ways that help them develop and realize their own visions.
The soul of a vision is always about improving the quality of life for individual men and women. Without this selfless cause, a vision is inadequate and lacking. So even as he tackles the countless details that must be done right to realize the vision, the leader must remain true to its soul—because only the soul of the vision has the power to truly inspire.
A vision never comes with a guarantee. But if it is inspirational and binding, it can attract others to join you on the journey, making the realization of the vision a matter of time. It may even survive the visionary himself and be within our grasp only after his passing. A visionary is like the first runner in a relay race, handing the baton on to successors who are inspired by his example to reach the ultimate finish line. Thus, a vision is often more far-reaching and all- encompassing than the individual who first articulated it.
In the book, I have shared my friend Dr. AsmaSiddiki’s story, who has created an inspiring vision of learning programs that will provide young people with a deeper understanding of and appreciation for the cultural heritage of their homelands. Until our next blog where I will speak on ‘Collaborative’, please share with me your comments as I look forward to our discussions.
Best Regards,
Hussein A. Al-Banawi
Author, The Unknown Leader